Equipment & Rates
What We Provide
Kodak Dektol
Kodak D-76
Kodak Fixer
Kodak Indicator Stop Bath
Kodak Hypo Clear
Other Stuff
35mm, 120, and 4x5 Developing Tanks and Reels
Developing Trays for Up To 16x20 Prints
Paper Cutter
Grain Focusers
Dodging, Burning and Vignette Tools
Polycontrast Filters
Contact Print and Printing Easels
Enlargers with 35mm, 120, and 4x5 carriers
Hourly Drop-In Rate : $8.00/hour
Monthly Membership : $40.00/month (unlimited time during business hours)

Beseler Dichro 45S

Beseler 45MCRX

Beseler 23C II

Beseler 23C II

Omega Type DII

Leitz Focomat V35

Omega C700

Omega C700

Students enrolled in a darkroom class with us will receive an in-store discount of 10% off of paper, chemicals, and film. Those with a monthly membership will receive a 5% discount on paper, chemicals, and film.