Color Film Processing
Color film is processed in a Noritsu V30, always stays in-house, and, of course, you get your negatives back. Film is run Monday through Friday.
Processing Only - C-41
35mm/120 $8.00/roll
220 $15.00/roll
Push/Pull $3.50/roll add'l
Color 35mm Processing & 4x6 Prints
(matte or glossy paper - borders are available at no addl. cost)
Processing $4.99/roll
Prints Single Twin
4x6 $0.44 ea. $0.27 ea.
Color 35mm Processing & Scanning
Digital files delivered via WeTransfer, customer provided USB or disc.
35mm film is scanned on our Noritsu roll scanner
Standard - 250dpi @ 8x12 $13.00 per roll
High Resolution - 300dpi @ 13x20 $18.00 per roll
Color 120 Processing & Prints
(matte or glossy paper - borders are available at no addl. cost)
Processing $5.49/roll
Prints Single Twin
4x4/4x5 $1.05 ea. $0.75 ea.
5x5/5x7 $2.00 ea. $1.50 ea.
Color 120 Processing & Scanning
Digital files delivered via WeTransfer, customer provided USB or disc.
Film is scanned on our Epson V750 scanner to 300dpi @ 11x11 on a 2.25 neg - 120 film files are hand spotted
$15.00 per roll
Cross Processing
This method of processing produces a color shift in the film. Transparency film (E-6) is processed in color negative chemicals (C-41) and printed conventionally. This is a special development that requires special handling.
35mm/120 $10.00/roll
220 $17.00/roll
B&W Film Processing
Black and white film is still processed by hand and always stays in-house. Film is run on Tuesdays and needs to be dropped off by 10am to be processed that day.
35mm/120 $8.00/roll
35mm Infrared $8.50/roll
220 $15.00/roll
4x5 $6.00/sheet
Push/Pull/Snip Test $3.50/per stop add'l
Old Film (prepaid) $13.00/roll
B&W 35mm and 120 Processing & Prints
(matte or glossy paper - borders are available at no addl. cost)
Processing $8.00/roll
Prints Single Twin
4x6 (35mm) $0.44 ea. $0.27 ea.
4x4/4x5 (120) $1.05 ea. $0.75 ea.
5x5/5x7 (120) $2.00 ea. $1.50 ea.
B&W Processing & CD
Digital files delivered via WeTransfer, customer provided USB or disc.
35mm film is scanned on our Noritsu roll scanner
Standard - 250dpi @ 8x12 $15.50 per roll
High Resolution - 300dpi @ 13x20 $20.00 per roll
120 film is scanned on our Epson V750 scanner to 300dpi @ 11x11 on a 2.25 neg - 120 film files are hand spotted
$17.50 per roll